Saturday, January 21, 2023


 Just a few random things that happened on this fine Saturday - 

1. I got all the dishes done for the first time in at least a week.  Then everyone woke up and ate breakfast and a whole new mess started over by the sink.  But for a few minutes it was beautiful.

2. Wes made soap out of deer fat in my kitchen.  I looked over my shoulder from washing dishes and saw that he had attached one of the beaters from my hand mixer to a drill and was mixing something in a metal bowl.  It was deer fat soap.  I guess deer fat + water + lye = soap.  Who knew?  Not me.  The boys want to call the soap "Deer Stank".  This is where we are after almost 20 years of marriage.  I saw the beater in the drill and found out it was being used to make soap out of deer fat and just thought "wow, that's kind of weird" and went back to doing the dishes...

3. Danny's fish died.  His name was Jazz.  We called him "Little Jazz" for some reason.  But.  He's down the toilet now.  So Wes brought Danny to buy another fish.  He is bright red and his name is "Jazz Junior" and will probably end up being called "JJ" (Even thought that is what Faith calls Jeremiah, but only when she is saying goodnight to him.  It's so sweet and cute.) I hope the new fish lives a long time.  

4.  I spent probably an hour reading a cookbook that I got for my birthday.  It's Jen Hatmaker's new one.  I just sat and read it like a book.  And it was worth it even if I cook exactly zero things from it.  But I think I will try at least a few of the recipes and hope my family with very Scandinavian taste buds won't revolt.  But they ate the minestrone soup I made the other night without much fuss, so maybe they'll really surprise me and like new things. (Three years ago none of my boys would eat soup at all.  Not even chicken noodle.  Weirdos.  But food battles are not battles I will fight.  I don't have the energy for that.)

5.  After reading said cookbook for said amount of time, I didn't even cook anything for supper.  Wes ate leftover soup, I intended to have leftover tator tot hotdish but apparently someone (Danny!) had that when he wasn't super keen on the soup but only ate the tator tots off the top.  So I actually ate ground venison and mixed veggies.  But that's ok.  I think Faith made herself an English muffin pizza, Benj is currently eating a bag of microwave popcorn, and I hear Jeremiah rummaging around behind me getting food now.   (So maybe if I keep this "I'm not cooking, just forage for your food" gig long enough they will be so happy when I do cook they'll eat whatever new things I make with great gusto just because they are so glad for me to be making food for them.  ha!  I say this like it's been weeks since I cooked.  Not true.  It's been one day.)  

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 Just a few random things that happened on this fine Saturday -  1. I got all the dishes done for the first time in at least a week.  Then e...